How to Build a Food Delivery Website like Glovo or Domino’s AnyWare

Published: May 2, 2022

25 min read

In the age of capitalism, the populations’ priorities have dramatically changed.

The main goals for many people are money, career, and wealth. At the end of the day, we sometimes don’t even have time to prepare food for ourselves, which often leads to health problems and malnutrition.

To make a food delivery website, you should consider making memorable and modern design  (*image by [tubik]({ rel="nofollow" target="_blank" .default-md}*)

To make a food delivery website, you should consider making memorable and modern design (image by tubik)

Here’s where food delivery services get into the game — and they’re true game changers.

You can just open an application, choose whatever you want, press “Order,” and wait for your food without interrupting whatever it is you were doing.

Everything mentioned above explains such a massive demand for these services. In the near future, the total revenue in this industry will grow by 30M dollars.

It shows us that there’s an upward trend on the market. So now is a great moment to get onto the market before it’s too overloaded.

Practically, there are 2 main cases when you might want to develop a food delivery website depending on what type of business you’re running.

1: For offline and online restaurants that want to offer deliveries without using third-party services like Glovo 🍔

2: For startups and companies that want to create a food delivery website similar to Glovo 🍟

Firstly, we’re going to talk about the first model. So if you want to create a restaurant food delivery website, go to the next section.

If your idea is more similar or just like the second model, feel free to jump onto the relative section.

🍟 Food Delivery Website For Restaurants

Technically, the model is exactly what the title says — if you have any business in the industry of public catering, this section is for you.

The initial idea of food delivery doesn’t necessarily mean executing it via a website.

Most restaurants started providing such services through phone calls. Customers call name the food they’d like to order provide delivery details and wait for the order to come.

Delivery with great fast food website design (*image by [Halo Web]({ rel="nofollow" target="_blank" .default-md}*)

Delivery with great fast food website design (image by Halo Web)

But many of them decided to digitize this process and create a restaurant delivery website since it’s more time-efficient and convenient.

There are quite a lot of benefits that the website can provide your business with.

# 1: Expand your clientele

By offering delivery services via a website, you extend the area in which you can reach your potential customers.

So, this way it’s not only those who work/live near your place or drive from other areas to specifically eat there, but also everybody whose living areas are included in your delivery range.

# 2: Use it as a marketing tool

Your website is a great place to promote anything you want. There can be various events, discounts, “Catches of the day,” news, new branch openings, staff recruitment сalls, etc.

Besides, it can help you improve brand recognition which is extremely important for restaurants.

# 3: Increase revenue

It may seem kind of obvious — more orders mean more money, right?

However, it’s not the only way a food delivery website increases revenue.

The benefits for revenue increase include:

  • The number of seats in your restaurant is no longer the number of customers you can serve at the same time. Delivery services let you have as many customers as you can handle without having to rely on your restaurant’s limited amount of space.
  • You cover the needs of those who prefer eating at home.
  • You can provide food for events outside of your restaurant like birthdays, company parties, and so on.

Besides, due to the COVID-pandemic, the number of visitors might be limited for in-restaurant meals. Anyway, many people are now concerned about visiting restaurants since the space is closed.

Delivery Set-Up 📦

Before diving deep into details of a food delivery website development, let’s talk about how you can organize delivery.

Form of delivery payment 💲

First things first, to create an online food ordering website, you’ll need to think of how you’ll cover the delivery costs.

There are 2 main types of delivery payment models: “free delivery” and flat rate.

# 1: Free delivery

Practically, free delivery can’t exist — someone always has to pay for it since costs don’t just vanish. But who and how pays for it is the question.

To create a food ordering website, think about how you’ll cover costs for delivery services (*image by [Uran]({ rel="nofollow" target="_blank" .default-md}*)

To create a food ordering website, think about how you’ll cover costs for delivery services (image by Uran)

So there are several ways to make the delivery “free”:

  • Cover the delivery costs yourself — you pay.
  • Increase prices for food delivery orders to cover it — customers pay.
  • Slightly increase prices to cover a part of the delivery costs — 50/50.
  • Set a minimum price or number of dishes to get free delivery — customers pay, but you get your profit as well.

Be sure to take all costs into account. They can include wages to an employee(-s), petrol costs, packaging, etc.

# 2: Flat rate

A flat rate is a system where the price for delivery doesn’t change. Whether a customer orders a dessert for $10 or a set of 5 full business lunches for $100, the price for delivery remains at the same level.

In fact, many restaurants use such a system since food delivery isn’t something massive or too heavy.

Besides, it’s likely that you won’t have to deliver one order at a time.

Most restaurants wait for a certain number of orders to come in, then, they take the fastest route, give them out along the way and finally come back for a new set of orders.

Packaging & Placement 🎁

We all love ordering food from restaurants that pack it in nice bags that have pleasant colors with the restaurants’ logos. Most importantly though, we want our food to be nice in terms of its appearance.

So, first of all, think about where you’ll put the food.

However, we won’t stop here for too long since most restaurants offer their clients takeout even if they don’t provide delivery or pack dishes to-go in case a guest couldn’t finish something.

Another part of this question is where to put the containers for transportation. Normally, restaurants use specific thermal bags.

To build a food delivery website, don’t forget to take care of the packaging  (*image by [Egor]({ rel="nofollow" target="_blank" .default-md}*)

To build a food delivery website, don’t forget to take care of the packaging (image by Egor)

A huge part of the user experience from deliveries depends on the food itself. Is the temperature right? Does it taste good? Is it messy or not?

Besides, if something happens to your customers’ food on the road, make sure to let the customers know how they can report it and offer something in return to make it up to them.

That can be a discount coupon, a refund, maybe a free dessert next time they make an order, etc. You can offer various gifts for different levels of food’s “messiness” if such occurs.

Nevertheless, be careful here and ask for proof (the most popular form of such is a photo of the dish), so you don’t get fooled by tricky customers :)

Facilitators of the delivery 👈

Now let’s get to the delivery itself.

There are several ways of how you can organize delivery.

#1: You hire employees for this purpose. Normally, it should be someone responsible who’s ready to work full time and has a car and a driving’s license.

# 2: You use a third-party delivery service that provides you with everything necessary for container transportation. In most cases, such services assign one of their employees to your restaurant. They’ll have already been trained to provide high-quality delivery.

Let’s take a look at the case!

Case Study: Domino’s 🍕

Domino’s Pizza (or just Domino’s) is a food delivery service and restaurant chain headquartered in Michigan, USA.

They sell 3M pizzas in more than 90 countries every day.

Domino’s has one of the best ordering and delivery systems that you can learn from to build a food delivery website (*image by [Elizabeth Egorenkova]({ rel="nofollow" target="_blank" .default-md}*)

Domino’s has one of the best ordering and delivery systems that you can learn from to build a food delivery website (image by Elizabeth Egorenkova)

The company offers its clients one of the most well-organized order and delivery systems on the market. To provide the possibility of ordering their food online, they use the website, as well as a special online food delivery platform called Domino’s AnyWare.

Moreover, they don’t just allow ordering food to addresses, but also to beaches, apple picking places, benches in parks, and so on.

They went even further and now offer their users to order food via Google Home, Alexa, Slack, Facebook Messenger, Tweets on Twitter, Emoji texts (you just send a 🍕 emoji and the order from a closeby restaurant will be made up), Samsung SmartTV, etc.

They also have a mobile app along with the website. By the way, read our guide on how to create a food delivery app.

Domino’s provides online food ordering in 90% of their markets, making up to 65% of their sales from digital ordering channels.

P.S. All statistics are from Domino’s business website.

Thus, Domino’s is a great example of a customer-oriented delivery system that brings them tons of customers.

What we can learn from them is that clients’ convenience and Social Media can endear customers which makes their approach one of the most beneficial ones on the market.

✅ Features of a Food Delivery Website For Restaurants (For Customers)

In this section, we’ll review the main features of an online food ordering website for restaurants.

Bear in mind: you develop a website for your convenience as well. So within this website, you should have an admin panel where you’ll add features to manage all processes.

Additionally, there should be a version for users with a great ordering system.

# 1: Sign Up & Profiles

First things first, this stage shouldn’t be obligatory. You don’t really have to register when you order food at a restaurant, right?

But if you implement it, make sure not to ask for too much information — name and/or email should do it.

Either way, you’ll get some personal information at the checkout to complete the order.

To build a food delivery website, think of the sign up feature as something optional (*image by [CMARIX Technolabs]({ rel="nofollow" target="_blank" .default-md}*)

To build a food delivery website, think of the sign up feature as something optional (image by CMARIX Technolabs)

However, you, as well as your users could make good use of it.

From a user's point of view, they might need to create an account to use some extended services if you offer such (like a Bonus System or a Client’s Card).

Furthermore, they could save their addresses and/or favorite dishes so they don’t have to type them out next time.

# 2: Restaurant Menu

That’s where you’ll place the names of your dishes.

Normally, it looks like a set of categories that customers can press and where they can see all the available dishes within that category.

Sometimes, restaurants offer a full list of dishes along with the categories.

Popular food restaurant menu (*image by [CMARIX Technolabs]({ rel="nofollow" target="_blank" .default-md}*)

Popular food restaurant menu (image by CMARIX Technolabs)

The menu should be well-designed, with pretty colors and comply with your restaurant's style.

Remember we talked about a food delivery website as a marketing tool?

Well, the menu is a great place to use such.

Here you can promote your “Catch of the day,” discounts, events like “2 for the price of 1” and other stuff regarding your restaurant and its “life.”

# 3: Filtering & Sorting

Some clients might already know their specific order or the fact that they want dessert, etc. Thus, to make the list shorter, you can add a search bar and different categories (“Soups,” “Salads,” “Main course,” and so on).

Categories and search bar on food delivery website (*image by [Himanshu Sharma]({ rel="nofollow" target="_blank" .default-md}*)

Categories and search bar on food delivery website (image by Himanshu Sharma)

A filtering system isn’t something vital for restaurant websites.

However, if you’d like to add one, think about using such filters:

  • Price.
  • Vegan/Vegetarian.
  • Ingredients.
  • Cooking time & etc.

# 4: Dish Screen

This is where customers should be able to access all the information about the dishes your restaurant offers.

Dish Screen with “Review” and “Recipe” buttons on the website of the Italian restaurant

Dish Screen with “Review” and “Recipe” buttons on the website of the Italian restaurant

The Screen can include:

  • Price.
  • Grams & Calories.
  • Cooking time.
  • All the ingredients and their proportion in the dish.
  • Pictures.
  • Recommendations for this dish. For example, if a client orders fish, you can advise them to eat it with a glass of white wine.

Moreover, you can make use of it as well.

Let’s imagine that you have too many tomatoes this time and you need to use them up — otherwise, they’ll just go to waste.

So, you can offer a small discount for dishes with tomatoes in them and mark them on the dish screen. Alternatively, if you have a Bonus System, you can offer extra points for these dishes.

# 5: Order Screen

This screen is intended to show customers their final orders which should include the chosen dishes, the amount of servings of each dish, the price of every dish and the delivery, the total price, the time of delivery, etc.

Food delivery website with the Order Screen on the right side of the screen (*image by [Gapsy Studio]({ rel="nofollow" target="_blank" .default-md}*)

Food delivery website with the Order Screen on the right side of the screen (image by Gapsy Studio)

It’s also where you should ask for the delivery address and provide a chat with the restaurant and/or delivery man so the client can contact you and leave comments.

Additionally, some websites offer a real-time order tracker as it’s reasonable to show the approximate delivery time left.

Oftentimes this screen also allows users to check out and conduct payments.

# 6: Payment Gateway

For ordering online, users need to have a reliable, secure, and user-friendly Payment Gateway.

User-friendly here implies:

  • Consistency with your website and different OS solutions.
  • Possibility to use all popular payment options like a credit card, PayPal, Apple & Google Pay, etc.
  • Fast functioning without delays.
  • Strong users’ personal data protection.

Speaking of payments, don’t forget to offer “Pay cash” and “Upon delivery” options so that you don’t miss clients who have no digital payment solutions.

⚙️ Features of a Food Delivery Website (Admin Panel for Restaurants)

To manage the website and communicate with your clients, you should have some kind of admin features of the site.

Let’s take a look at the main features that such websites should have.

# 1: Menu Management

To keep your website and menu up-to-date, you should be able to manage it.

By manage we mean:

  • Add & dispose of dishes.
  • Change descriptions and prices.
  • Announce events, discounts.
  • Manage pictures.
  • Change colors, structure, position of items, and so on.
A compact menu with categories, menu, and order screen on the same page (*image by [Happy Tri Milliarta]({ rel="nofollow" target="_blank" .default-md}*)

A compact menu with categories, menu, and order screen on the same page (image by Happy Tri Milliarta)

Besides, some restaurants use it not only as a “source of information” for customers but add cooking instructions and specify recipes for cooks as well.

# 2: Order Screen

From your perspective, this screen should help you manage all online ordering made via the website.

First of all, you might need to transfer orders to the kitchen.

You should also be able to add the list of current orders with a separate tab for new ones. Normally, you should see their current status (in line, in process or ready), to which order each dish belongs, and the time when the order was made to make sure that there are no delays.

For customers to order delivery, you’ll need to add an Order Screen so that they can check their final order (*image by [Dindra Desmipian]({ rel="nofollow" target="_blank" .default-md}*)

For customers to order delivery, you’ll need to add an Order Screen so that they can check their final order (image by Dindra Desmipian)

From this list, you should go to a more specific screen for each dish.

Here you should find all the specifications regarding ingredients (maybe someone’s allergic to tomatoes and asks not to add them), the dish’s status, the time remaining for preparation, the number of the order and its other details like price, payment option, etc.

You should also be able to access the chat with your customers from this screen.

# 3: Analytics

For businesses in the catering industry, statistics are essential to improve and change the range of dishes according to the customers’ preferences.

For example, analytical data can include:

  • The revenue.
  • The overall number of dishes sold (per day, week and/or month).
  • The number of online orders for each dish.
  • The average rating of your service (like 4.8/5).
  • A feedback screen.

The data can be presented in the form of infographics instead of regular tables.

Restaurant analytical page on the website (*image by [Divan Raj]({ rel="nofollow" target="_blank" .default-md}*)

Restaurant analytical page on the website (image by Divan Raj)

With such data insights, you can easily analyze:

  • What dishes bring you the most revenue.
  • What dishes you should remove from the online menu (maybe the proportion of the costs it takes to make it and the profit from that dish aren’t beneficial).
  • Whether or not you have any weak points in your marketing.
  • Whether or not clients are satisfied with the delivery services you provide, etc.

🚚 On-Demand Food Delivery Website

This type of food delivery website is for those entrepreneurs who don’t have or don’t want their own restaurants.

Practically, it works the following way:

  1. You cooperate with restaurants and place their menu with a separate section for each one of those.
  2. You start getting online orders for food from these restaurants.
  3. Your delivery guys or third-party service you use for delivery get the order, pick it up from the restaurant, and then take it to the customer.
Grubhub food delivery services with this business model (*shots from [Grubhub]({ rel="nofollow" target="_blank" .default-md}*)

Grubhub food delivery services with this business model (shots from Grubhub)

Sure thing, there are quite a lot of special things about this business model.

To understand them from the inside, stay with us — we’ll show you.

Market research 📊

There are a lot of players on the food delivery market. That means there are a lot of competitors and players that deliver real experience out there.

Thus, by checking their failures and successes, niches, and market shares, you can prevent mistakes and take advantage of them.

Of course, market research isn’t only competitor analysis. You have to find answers to such questions as:

  • Who these competitors are?
  • Will my product be demanded?
  • Is there a market for me to offer my services to?

Client base and feedback 💬

Since there are quite a lot of competitors, you might need to collect some feedback and attract clients before barging into the market.

Long story short, develop an MVP, test it, and get your first clients. This way, you’ll have a pillar by the time you start to fully provide your services.

Local food delivery that also offers medicine delivery services (*image by [Rakib Kowshar]({ rel="nofollow" target="_blank" .default-md}*)

Local food delivery that also offers medicine delivery services (image by Rakib Kowshar)

Maybe you could start by reaching out to small local businesses with not much profit just to build up the foundation of your service.

In the long run though, it’ll be much more profitable than it may seem now.

Delivery Set-Up 👐

For this model of food delivery business, the delivery setup is quite different from the first one.

Let’s review the main aspects you should take into account.

Courier Hiring 🚴

Most food delivery websites with this business model hire their own couriers.

In fact, it’s quite hard to call this process hiring. Normally, people just sign up on the website and choose whether they’re customers or would like to work with you (or directly sign up on the relative website if you have them separated).

UberEats Sign In the process if you’d like to be a courier (*shots from [Uber]({ rel="nofollow" target="_blank" .default-md}*)

UberEats Sign In the process if you’d like to be a courier (shots from Uber)

Of course, you would have to equip your couriers, educate them on how to deal with delicate situations, etc. Just teach and tell them everything you find important.

To equip them, you might need:

  • Thermal bags.
  • Branded uniform.
  • Means of transport (bicycles, e-scooters, etc.). However, companies often require couriers with their own vehicles or the ones who are ready to use public transport.

Couriers’ convenience 😀

When developing your website, the convenience of it for customers is extremely important.

However, don’t forget that couriers are the ones who make the revenue for you.

You should make sure that their workflow is as user-friendly as the experience of your customers.

To run a successful business with this model, you should think about the comfort of both users and couriers (*image by [Dmitry Mòói]({ rel="nofollow" target="_blank" .default-md}*)

To run a successful business with this model, you should think about the comfort of both users and couriers (image by Dmitry Mòói)

To kind of encourage people to work for you, you can offer:

  • Fair salaries.
  • Flexible working schedules.
  • High-quality equipment.
  • Bonuses like morning coffee for free or anything that shows your care.

Monetization models 💸

Let’s face it, the main goal of most businesses is to get money. Of course, there are other things that they care about. But the end goal is almost always some kind of profit.

So, before we take a look at some examples and functionality of such a website, why don’t we find out how to make money with it.

# 1: Users pay

There are several ways to monetize your website.

First of all, you can take payments from users. Here you can’t really increase prices for dishes like in the business model for restaurants since you’re not the one who sets them.

Thus, you need to charge a certain fee for delivery. It can either be flat rate or floating rate.

If you choose floating rate, the price can depend on:

  • The delivery distance.
  • Time of the day. Some companies charge more during lunchtime, for instance.
  • The number of items & others.

And if you charge a flat rate, the price will remain the same no matter what.

Sure thing, there are many more ideas on monetizing your business from the clients’ side. Maybe you could offer VIP-delivery, special silverware, and so on.

Such little “luxuries” for a small surcharge can be beneficial for you and provide a more personal approach to customers.

# 2: Restaurants pay

It’s also possible to charge each restaurant. However, the point here is that it’s not possible to pay for each delivery separately.

So, there are two most popular ways to charge restaurants:

  • A fixed price that is placed on your website. It’s some kind of a monthly or weekly subscription.
  • On commission. Normally, it’s a certain percentage from each order.

For instance, 15% of every order can go to your company for facilitation and delivery costs.

Healthy food delivery services with the relative business model (*image by [Anton Mikhaltsov 👨🏻‍🎨]({ rel="nofollow" target="_blank" .default-md}*)

Healthy food delivery services with the relative business model (image by Anton Mikhaltsov 👨🏻‍🎨)

Moreover, you can make extra profit by offering advertising services.

For example, dedicate half of your first page to such advertisements. Then, restaurants pay to have a place in this section.

If you’d like to find out more about delivery-restaurant financial relationships, check out this informative video from the Wall Street Journal:

Case Study: Glovo 🎒

Glovo is a food delivery service that was founded in Barcelona, Spain.

It is an on-demand delivery platform that offers its customers to purchase, pick up, and deliver products and food from local restaurants ordered via their web- and mobile platforms.

They offer their services in 22 countries and work with 53K shops and restaurants. You can make an order via their website or mobile app.

With 7,4M active customers, they make around 216M Euros per year.

If you’d like to visualize their work process, you can watch this short interview with the founders of Glovo:

The system works pretty easily. You look for whatever you need on the platform Add it to your cart, type in the pick-up address, and order Wait for the courier to come and play for the delivery.

It doesn’t necessarily have to be food. You can ask to pick up your wedding dress, seeds from the garden store, lighting for your phone — literally anything that one grown-up person is able to carry.

And it’s definitely one of the strongest advantages of Glovo.

So you could take that as advice — if you cover more needs than expected, you have higher chances to successfully enter the market and reach a wider audience.

Statistics are from Glovo’s About us.

👉 On-Demand Food Delivery Website Features (For Customers)

For this business model, you’ll most likely need 3 versions of the website:

  • For customers.
  • For couriers.
  • Admin panel.

You can either make a separate website for each purpose or create everything within one website.

To structure this information better, we’ve divided it into three sections — one for each website version.

Here, we’ll review the main features of the version for customers.

# 1: Sign Up & Profiles

Normally, such services ask for personal details that are needed to complete orders during the checkout process.

However, you can ask for some basic info like name or email at the sign-up stage.

Keep in mind, by asking for certain details at the “sign-up on the website” stage, you risk repelling customers (*image by [Sarwar Ahmend]({ rel="nofollow" target="_blank" .default-md}*)

Keep in mind, by asking for certain details at the “sign-up on the website” stage, you risk repelling customers (image by Sarwar Ahmend)

We recommend being extremely careful here. Don’t ask for any information at all as long as it’s not necessary.

Once again, you can do it at the order completion. You might need:

  • Name.
  • Phone number.
  • Pick-up address.
  • Payment option.

# 2: Home Screen

Home Screen is a kind of a lounge for food delivery website users.

While on some websites the Home Screen appears after signing in, for food ordering websites it should be the first page after clicking on the link.

And from this point, users can choose whether they want to sign in or proceed with ordering without it.

A Home Screen on food delivery website should allow access to all information about the company and the sign-in screen

On the Home Screen, users should be able to access:

  • Menu.
  • Services.
  • Contacts.
  • Search bar.
  • Restaurant categories.
  • Any info about the company (About Us, Blog, Social Media — whatever you have and want to share) & others.

Besides, this is where you place an advertisement that we talked about in the monetization models subsection.

# 3: Filtering & Sorting

For this business model, the range of dishes is deeper and wider since it’s not just one restaurant but many of them. And each one has its own menu.

Thus, the filtering system should start with restaurant selection here.

This part of the filtering system can be structured by:

  • Cuisine.
  • Pricing policy. For example, Google marks restaurants $, $$, or $$$ depending on how expensive they are.
  • Ratings.
  • “Near me”. For this purpose, users would have to either share their geolocation or type in the address for the search.
Restaurants in Madrid on a Glovo’s Home Screen

Restaurants in Madrid on a Glovo’s Home Screen

And after that, you can add filters within every restaurant’s menu.

There can be filters by:

  • Price.
  • Dish category (like “Main course”, “Dessert”, etc.).
  • Vegan/Vegetarian.
  • Ingredients. This is kind of an extended filter but still useful.

For example, someone is allergic to carrots. With this option, they could exclude all dishes that contain carrots.

However, this may not be completely up to you since some restaurants provide the menu by themselves.

# 4: Dish Screen

This is also something you can split the “responsibility” for with restaurants that want to be on your website.

You provide the platform, structure, and design Restaurant provide you with information.

Dish Screen for a minimalistic and calm food delivery website design (*image by [Monty Hayton]({ rel="nofollow" target="_blank" .default-md}*)

Dish Screen for a minimalistic and calm food delivery website design (image by Monty Hayton)

The Screen can include:

  • Pictures.
  • Prices.
  • Grams & Calories.
  • Cooking time.
  • All the ingredients along with their proportion in a dish.
  • Recommendations for a dish. For example, if a client orders fish, you can advise them to eat it with a glass of white wine.

It can help you provide customers with a more personalized experience.

# 5: Order Screen

In other words, you could call it Checkout.

Here you’ll show customers their final order including:

  • The restaurant’s name.
  • The ordered dishes & their quantity.
  • The overall price & the price for each dish + delivery.
  • The delivery time.
  • A bar to type in the delivery address.
  • A chat with the courier to allow communication and the possibility of leaving comments & others.
The order screen with extra features like “Previous orders” (*image by [Arafat Ahmed Chowdhury]({ rel="nofollow" target="_blank" .default-md}*)

The order screen with extra features like “Previous orders” (image by Arafat Ahmed Chowdhury)

You could also add a real-time order tracker along with the map.

At this stage, you can also allow users to access the payment screen for them to settle up for the order.

You could offer payment upon delivery to make sure that each client is able to use your services (meaning also those who want to pay cash).

# 6: Payment Gateway

To provide a great user experience, you should make sure to provide a secure and convenient payment gateway.

It should:

  • Be consistent with your website and various OS options.
  • Allow usage of all popular payment options like a credit card, PayPal, Apple & Google Pay, etc.
  • Work fast with no delays.
  • Protect users’ personal data.

🚐 On-Demand Food Delivery Website Features (For Couriers)

In this section, we’ll take a look at the main features the version for couriers should have.

But before that, let us make a quick remark on this part.

Since couriers won’t be able to access the website from their PCs and laptops, be sure to make it mobile-friendly.

There’s a great video on mobile-friendly websites that explains how it should look in plain language:

# 1: Sign Up & Profiles

For couriers, the signup process shouldn’t be time-consuming as well.

Sure thing, they will have to give you their personal info, but try not to ask too much at least in the beginning — let them check everything they need to on your website and then offer to start the applying process.

Normally, websites for couriers ask for full name, phone number, and email (during the signup process).

Glovo’s “Join us” page for potential couriers and other workers (*shots from [Glovo]({ rel="nofollow" target="_blank" .default-md}*)

Glovo’s “Join us” page for potential couriers and other workers (shots from Glovo)

After that, the information about couriers you’ll need to ask for might include:

  • Name, phone number, and email (if you didn’t do it earlier).
  • ID card.
  • Driver's license (if they’re going to use a car).
  • Privacy Policy Agreement signing.
  • Medical handbook & others.

For instance, Glovo’s application process looks like this. You:

  1. Sign up.
  2. Watch an introduction video.
  3. Send in the documents.
  4. Get the thermal bag & start working.

# 2: Map & Navigator

To assist couriers in delivering, you could implement a map with a navigator into your digital product.

Food delivery website map with a precise pick-up point (*shots from [GloriaFood]({ rel="nofollow" target="_blank" .default-md}*)

Food delivery website map with a precise pick-up point (shots from GloriaFood)

It’s in your interest that orders are delivered as fast as possible. But some maps and navigators may not be precise enough or work intermittently.

So make sure that your in-built navigator works precisely and shows the fastest routes.

Moreover, you might need different routes for different vehicles since the one for a car may not be convenient or safe for a bicycle.

Additionally, you can use this feature as a sort of a dispenser.

For instance, there are already enough couriers to deliver orders to customers in certain parts of the city.

So, what you can do is show couriers that now they have to go to another area where there are not enough workers yet.

# 3: Order Screen

The main intention of this feature is to transfer orders to couriers. They should be able to either accept them or refuse to deliver.

Example of how the Order Screen can look from another type of website (*image by [Code Catalyst]({ rel="nofollow" target="_blank" .default-md}*)

Example of how the Order Screen can look from another type of website (image by Code Catalyst)

Couriers should also be able to access previous orders to doublecheck that they’ve attached the receipt and information about the client when needed.

In case the total from all orders seems to be wrong in comparison with the amount of money they have, they might need to go back and check where this gap comes from.

From here, couriers might need to access chats with customers. Besides, next to each order they should be able to see theratings and feedback that customers may leave after the order’s completed.

And when it’s not, couriers will need to see special notes that customers leave regarding the order or pick-up address details.

Normally, there is also a map on the Order Screen. The delivery address and route are automatically put in so couriers can start with the delivery straight away.

# 4: Calendar

In most cases, such services would offer their couriers flexible working schedules.

Taking that into account, you might need to add an in-built calendar to somehow control this schedule.

That is, to block hours for the further reservation in case there are already enough couriers for this time.

From couriers’ point of view, it’s kind of a planner for them to better manage their working time and track their income (since normally, it’s based on hourly rates).

📈 Admin Panel For On-Demand Food Delivery Website

The third section dedicated to features for this business model is going to be about such for business owners, managers, web administrators, or food delivery website developers (for a certain period of time).

# 1: Restaurant Management

This feature is meant to help administrators update everything regarding their partner-restaurants on the website.

During the food ordering website development, don’t forget to add restaurant description (*image by [Ghulam Rasool 🚀]({ rel="nofollow" target="_blank" .default-md}*)

During the food ordering website development, don’t forget to add restaurant description (image by Ghulam Rasool 🚀)

The functionality can include:

  • Add/delete restaurants from the options.
  • Menu management (like special offers and dishes' disposal).
  • Restaurant details updating (name, pictures, working hours, delivery price, cooking time for each dish, etc.) and others.

# 2: Courier Management

Apart from restaurants, you also need to manage your couriers throughout their working hours.

Couriers list and their routes & orders on a flower delivery website (*image by [Mirek Nepelski]({ rel="nofollow" target="_blank" .default-md}*)

Couriers list and their routes & orders on a flower delivery website (image by Mirek Nepelski)

There are a bunch of functions you might need to implement:

  • Working hours tracking.
  • Payments transfers.
  • Route and working area management.
  • Tech and logistics specialists support.
  • Access to feedback and ratings.
  • Courier leaderboards to track who works better in terms of productivity. If you have any rewarding system and productivity benefits, you might make good use of it.
  • Calendar management (close the time if these working hours are full, for example) & others.

# 3: Statistics

To analyze what partnerships bring you the most clients and revenue, you might need your website to track it and provide statistics.

This feature can track:

  • The overall revenue.
  • The overall number of orders per day/week/month.
  • The revenue brought from each separate partner.
  • The number of orders from every restaurant.
  • The costs for couriers’ payments. Since they will most likely be based on hourly rates, they may vary.

This data can be represented in various forms of infographics for you to visualize the dynamics.

Additionally, it’s easier to work with infographics than with just numbers when doing analysis.

💡 Takeaways

This journey was a bit long, we’re not gonna lie :)

But if you’ve made it to the end, congratulations 🥳 — now you know how to build an online food ordering website.

Let’s briefly summarize what we’ve covered in this article:

  1. There are 2 main business models for a food delivery website — a website for a public catering business or the one that facilitates orders and delivery but doesn’t imply preparing food.
  2. To set up the delivery, first of all, think about how you’ll monetize this business and where you’ll get the couriers.
  3. Depending on which business model you choose, you’ll need either two or three website versions — for customers & restaurants or for customers, couriers & admin panel.
  4. Decide on what features you want to add to your food ordering website.
  5. To start the development, you can find a Tech Partner that will assist you all the way through.

If you’d like to know more about this topic or have any questions left — feel free to reach out to us. We’ll find a way to help you!

Build your Delivery Website!

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