Internet of Things (IoT) Devices Security Challenges, Risks and Best Practices

Published: May 19, 2024

12 min read

In the age of technologies alongside with the development of IoT devices and softwares there lies a parallel development of malwares and security intruders. When it comes to the IoT deployment, it is vital for your projects to ensure consumer IoT security by protecting the important information from third-parties. In this article, we will take a closer look at the IoT security challenges that you should be aware of, as well as talk about possible solutions on a project development stage.

Internet of things security measures are mostly managed by regular software updates to keep the IoT consumers protected from various vulnerabilities (*image by [studiocat]({ rel="nofollow" target="_blank" .default-md}*)

Internet of things security measures are mostly managed by regular software updates to keep the IoT consumers protected from various vulnerabilities. (image by studiocat)

❓ What Is IoT Security?

IoT security recommendations refers to the framework, instruments, and procedures developed to keep connected devices and Internet of Things networks safe from malefactors and intruders.

Network-level security covers protecting the devices themselves, the data they send and store, as well as linking to the networks, so that IoT systems may run with integrity, confidentiality, and availability.

An example of IoT app

Securing IoT devices is crucial for protecting individual privacy and data.

(image by Sharath Gowda)

With the IoT enticing a multitude of smart devices, including smart thermostats, industrial sensors, and beyond, IoT security is of great importance to ensuring the efficiency and proper function of these devices.

✍️ The Importance of IoT Security

The Internet of Things has fundamentally transformed these everyday objects into a network of interconnected machines that can collect and share large amounts of data. Even while this connection is incredibly efficient and convenient, there are security concerns that must be addressed, such as IoT device security issues. Ensuring the security of these devices is crucial to protecting the privacy and integrity of the data they collect and transmit.

An example of app for smart devices

IoT security breaches can have significant economic consequences, including financial losses due to theft or disruption of services, as well as the cost of recovering from an attack.

(image by Ramotion)

Cybercriminals can obtain unlawful access to people's personal information, corporate data, and vital infrastructures by taking advantage of vulnerabilities in IoT devices, which can be mitigated by using tools like React Native BLE manager. Such hacks have a wide range of possible consequences, from invasions of privacy to serious interruptions and even bodily dangers.

Securing the IoT is crucial to safeguarding your sensitive data, appliances, and well-being, especially in today's environment with growing IoT data security issues.

❔ Identification of IoT devices

With the rapid development and prototyping in IoT, there always come identification issues — it’s sometimes hard to tell whether the device is malicious or “friendly”. To differentiate them from one another, a proper identification system should be implemented.

In the IoT ecosystem, there are basically two classes: identifiers and entities to be identified. The main point of setting up a proper identification stage always comes to securing the identifier, not the entity. The whole IoT security depends on whether the identifier is trustworthy enough and not messed with by third-parties. Thus, to make identification safe, we need to choose the most protected system that can stand as “identifier” and disallow unsecured devices connected.

How to Address These IoT Security Challenges?

As of now, one of the most effective IoT device identification technologies is a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) with the use of digital certificates.

According to Global PKI and IoT trends study, the average number of certificates has already increased by 50% since 2019 and is going to prosper even more in the near future. It follows that the PKI technology is not a short-lived interest, but vice versa — a forward-looking trend with great potential.

Public Key Infrastructure is a technology that ensures the security behind the connection as well as allows to identify and then authenticate both user and device.

PKI components that make the system work:

  • Certificate Authorities (CA). CA is a key player in making PKI secure and dependable. In a nutshell, CAs are verifying connection attempts and issuing certificates after the identity validation is done. The validation step is essential so that there is no possibility for hackers to impersonate any trustworthy party to access the data.
  • Digital Certificates. Digital certificate is an electronic password or a file that aims to prove the authenticity of a device.
  • Digital Signatures. Digital signature is a security method to protect the integrity of provided data, making it impossible to mess with without notifying the recipient.
  • Chain of Trust. Chain of trust is a security system that allows to validate the certificate by chaining back to the CA’s root certificate. If a chain of trust is able to trace the certificate back all the way to the valid root certificate — the connection will be trusted and secure.
  • Encryption keys. Keys are paired elements that help encrypting and decrypting information as another step for granting the security of data flow.

PKI system overview

As we got acquainted with the gears of the PKI mechanism, let’s take a look at how they function together and complete the system:

  1. Before issuing a certificate, the CA validates the server and decides whether the connection will be secure.
  2. After the CA validation, now it's the user's turn to verify the server’s certificate with the chain of trust’s assistance.
  3. If the first two steps proceed without any issues, the data is encrypted with the “public key”.
  4. With the use of a “private” key on the other side of the connection the data is decrypted.

☑️ IoT Device Authentication

Most IoT devices, especially those managed through companion mobile app development, are presented with a minimized amount of unnecessary information and narrower storage limits. Their main goal is to focus exclusively on gathering and transferring sensitive data from different sources in a nick of time. Exactly because such vulnerable devices aren't able to quickly counteract to the malicious intents, they are prone to various cyberintruders, highlighting key IoT security challenges and solutions.

Challenges for Secure IoT Authentication

As the resources in device’s possession are limited, the authentication should be easier than, for example, the process of authenticating a user. To make this process fitting the case, it’s important to determine the suitable authentication model. Two most common models for securing an authenticating stage of an IoT device and addressing challenges for secure IoT are:

  • Shared Secret Authentication (Symmetric Cryptosystem)
  • Public Key Authentication (Asymmetric Cryptosystem)

Let’s take a closer look at them!

Shared Secret Authentication (SSA)

The point of SSA is to securely share the data — in cryptography “shared secret” — after establishing communication as it’s done in common symmetric cryptosystems. The most common authentication method for this case is a challenge-response one. Challenge-response method supposes the party that needs to be authenticated to provide a correct “response” to another party’s “challenge”.

The most common way for authenticating IoT devices in the SSA model is a challenge-response method with the password input (*image by [Oleksandr Mosiichuk]({ rel="nofollow" target="_blank" .default-md}*)

The most common way for authenticating IoT devices in the SSA model is a challenge-response method with the password input.

(image by Oleksandr Mosiichuk)

For example, the simplest type of such authentication is a well-known password authentication. The “challenge” is a party’s password request and the valid “response” is simply a correct password input. However, to call this authentication model safe, you should make sure that there are no intruders between the two communicating parties trying to snatch a valid response for their needs.

Public Key Authentication (PKA)

This model for authenticating IoT devices is also using the public key infrastructure, described in the identification issue of the article. Thus, being an asymmetric model, PKA technology grants a much higher Internet of Things security and data integrity level. However, as authentication becomes more complex, it requires more processing time, which may not be suitable when it comes to prioritizing the operation speed.

One of the key challenges in implementing PKA is ensuring the secure generation, storage, and distribution of public and private keys, as compromising these keys can lead to serious IoT security threats.

🔐 Encryption

The basis of the IoT structures, which significantly impacts the IoT software development cost, is constant data flow between the connected devices. So, when it comes to securing the data flow, the top priorities are:

  • Saving the data integrity. Make sure that any third party can’t hold disinformation operations in your IoT systems.
  • Keeping it confidential. Grant restricted access to the data exclusively for personnel that are supposed to receive it to avoid data breaches.

So, to solve this challenge, we need to find something that satisfies both of these requirements.

IoT Data Security Issues

Both of these data security priorities can be managed by the implementation of data encryption and decryption, which are crucial components in addressing IoT security problems, challenges, and solutions. There are two types of encryption systems existing:

  • Symmetric — both encrypting and decrypting require one single cryptographic key.
  • Asymmetric — both operations require several cryptographic keys: a “public” key for encryption and a “private” one for decryption.

As symmetric systems are much simpler, their main advantage is a high speed data encryption. Asymmetric ones focus on security, and, thus, authentication is required.

Let’s take a look at the algorithms of encryption that are used in IoT:

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES

AES is the most commonly used algorithm for encrypting data worldwide. This symmetric encryption standard is often used in 128-, 192- or 256-bit form and is known for its high resistance to IoT attacks and malicious intrusions.

Rivest-Shamir-Adleman Algorithm (RSA)

The RSA algorithm is known as the most common asymmetric encryption method in the world. The main advantage of this algorithm is high scalability when it comes to encryption key lengths. Even in case short encryption keys are brute-forced, it’s always possible to encrypt the data with the longer ones to make brute-forcing incredibly difficult.

Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)

The DSA is another representative of asymmetric encryption.It’s always compared to the RSA in terms of strength. Instead of encrypting messages with private keys and decrypting them with public ones, DSA creates two 160-bit numbers for a digital signature based on the message and the private key. DSA and RSA in comparison are balancing each other: the first one is faster when it comes to verification and decryption, and the second one’s main focus is encryption and signing.


This algorithm is a symmetric encryption system that is still relevant for being free for use, as it is placed in public domain. Blowfish does not encrypt the whole message at once, the encryption is done after splitting the message into 64-bit blocks and is processed individually for each block. A variable key length stays between 32 and 448 bits.

🗂️ Heterogeneity of Connected Devices

Heterogeneity is one of the most notable security challenges in the Internet of Things sphere. As the variety of IoT devices and possible security issues are uncountable, it’s nearly impossible to predict and outplay every single cyberintrusion in each unique case.

The problem here is that every IoT device has its own security solutions and needs to be treated individually when it comes to dealing with a particular challenge. This need for an individual approach makes this security challenge so important to consider, as it’s definitely not a cakewalk to secure each unique device from all the variety of IoT vulnerabilities and incidents.

IoT Security Risks With Heterogeneity in IoT

To deal with the heterogeneity issue in Internet of Things security challenges, it’s recommended to use IDRA architecture for wireless sensor networks. The IDRA creates, stores and manages packet interactions of the network services. In a nutshell, in heterogeneous IoT systems the same node can contain various types of packets.

The IDRA uses a large number of descriptors to interpret incoming packets of any possible type to create a secure connection between diverse IoT devices. As for selecting types of outgoing packets, the IDRA indicates both MAC and routing protocols for the required packet type and automatically sends the packet using the correct MAC protocol.

IDRA architecture is created for setting up connections between heterogeneous IoT devices regardless of their protocol type (*image by [Dighital]({ rel="nofollow" target="_blank" .default-md}*)

IDRA architecture is created for setting up connections between heterogeneous IoT devices regardless of their protocol type.

(image by Dighital)

Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of implementing IDRA architecture for IoT devices, including mitigating IoT security risks:

  1. IDRA doesn't require a big amount of resources and is backwards compatible.
  2. IDRA is capable of determining the type of incoming packet as well as dropping the packets that are unrecognized by the architecture.
  3. IDRA is able to create connections without using any gateway.
  4. IDRA architecture supports communication regardless of the use of different MAC protocols among the connected devices from various device manufacturers.

Additional IoT Security Challenges to Describe

As you already understand, you may encounter some challenges of securing IoT devices. We have detailed the issues with identification, authentication, encryption, and heterogeneity. But even that may not be all. In this section, our developer Sergey will tell you more about additional challenges that may arise during IoT security. Shall we begin?

Hardware-based security

Usage of special integrated circuits for handling encryption instead of purely software solutions. This will greatly increase the system's robustness but might not be feasible due to increased cost per device manufactured. An example, for automotive applications you can use V2X communication or MAX10 FPGA chip.

Unique encryption keys for each device

This will ensure that data from the device is protected against interception even if the encryption key is extracted by a third party by reverse engineering a single device. Unique keys can also serve as device authentication.

Physical security

Using tamper-resistant or tamper-evident packaging might be beneficial for device security. If the device can detect tampering it can properly respond to these actions by generating alerts, going into lockdown mode or even self-destructing by wiping its storage.

Secure Boot

For more complex systems enabling Secure Boot will ensure that the device can only boot with software that the manufacturer verifies. It can prevent unauthorised firmware from being loaded onto the device.

If you have any questions or want to delve deeper into IoT security issues and solutions, please write to us, and we will solve your problem together!

IoT Security Best Practices

To navigate the complex landscape of IoT security, here are some best practices that individuals and organizations can follow:

— Keep devices and software guarded.

Frequently update devices of the IoT with the latest firmware and patches to fix flaws. Manufacturers frequently roll out updates that can include fixing security problems, so selecting either automatic updates or manual checking is vital.

— Set a strong authentication.

Most internet-of-things devices have simple or common passwords that can be easily cracked. Also, keep in mind using multi-factor authentication (MFA) whenever possible to add an additional security layer.

An example of secured smart home IoT application

You have to incorporate privacy considerations into the design of IoT systems from the outset.

(image by Vektora)

— Secure Network Connections.

Make sure that data is encrypted that are transmitted to the IoT devices and use the secure protocols to set a communication between devices. Also, try to encrypt your Wi-Fi network by leveraging strong encryption methods such as WPA2 or WPA3.

— Implement Network Segmentation.

Employ network segmentation to segregate IoT devices from other network assets as a security measure.

— Regulated and Audit IoT Devices at Regular Intervals.

Maintain a log of all the devices with IoT features that are connected to your network, and monitor them periodically for any strange activities. Use security tools that can scan through network traffic and find irregularities that can help in assuring the security of the digital space.

— Educate and Train Users.

Security is vital with IoT, and education is one of the keys. Teach the users about the danger that poses and instruct them to adopt security measures. Also, users need to be aware of a phishing attempts and learn to recognize and avoid them.

— Leverage IoT Security Solutions.

Consider using professionally designed IoT security solutions that offer the functions of device discovery, risk assessment, vulnerability prevention and network segmentation.

💡 Takeaways

In conclusion, and as often emphasized in professional IoT development services, we should point out the main security risks in IoT once again. So, to create a trustworthy product and ensure the highest security level possible, it is vital not to overlook the issues of:

  1. Identification
  2. Authentication
  3. Encryption
  4. Heterogeneity

Fortunately, the first two security issues can be managed by integrating a single technology called Public Key Infrastructure. Heterogeneity issue is recommended to handle with the implementation of IDRA architecture for supporting as many various IoT devices as possible. As for encryption it is better to choose the specific security algorithm which is the most suitable for the project, based on the development priorities.

If you have any questions or need help with creating a secure IoT project, let us know. We will be happy to help you meet your business needs with an outstanding product!

Contact Us!

Questions you may have

Take a look at how we solve challenges to meet project requirements

What are the biggest IoT security risks and challenges?

Lack of Standardization: Along with this, many IoT conveniences lack good data protection, thus they become selected as an entry point for unauthorized access. Weak or Non-existent Authentication: There are numerous devices used, including protocols and platforms, which also increase the probability of incompatibility and interoperability issues, making the system prone to vulnerabilities.. Inadequate Software Security: IoT devices often run on limited resources, making them difficult to secure and prone to vulnerabilities. Insufficient Network Security: Unsecured networks make IoT devices vulnerable to attacks. Limited Privacy Protections: IoT devices collect and transmit personal data, necessitating robust privacy protections. Inability to Update or Patch Devices: Many IoT devices are difficult to update, leaving known vulnerabilities unaddressed. Lack of Visibility and Control: The operation of IoT devices in the background makes it challenging to detect and respond to security threats.

What are examples of attacks on IoT systems and IoT devices?

Brute Force and Default Passwords: Weak credentials leave IoT devices vulnerable to password hacking and brute force attacks. IoT Malware and Ransomware: Increases with the number of devices, with ransomware locking out users from their devices and data. IoT Botnets: Botnets can manipulate data privacy and launch massive risks for open markets, including cryptocurrency markets. Physical Device Attacks: Attackers can physically access IoT devices to steal data, install malware, or gain network access.

What role does device authentication play in IoT security?

Device authentication is crucial for ensuring that only authorized users and devices have access to the IoT system. It helps prevent unauthorized access and attacks, thereby protecting the network and data.

What is the impact of limited processing power and memory on IoT device security?

Limited processing power and memory restrict the ability of IoT devices to support robust security features such as encryption, authentication, and access control, making them more vulnerable to attacks.

What challenges arise from the sheer volume of connected devices in IoT ecosystems?

The vast number of connected devices expands the attack surface, making it challenging to secure all devices and manage their interactions securely. It also complicates asset management and increases the risk of unauthorized devices (shadow IoT) within the network.

How do IoT security issues affect consumer privacy?

IoT security issues can lead to unauthorized access to personal data collected by IoT devices, resulting in privacy breaches, identity theft, and misuse of sensitive information.

What measures can users take to secure their IoT devices at home?

Users can secure their IoT devices by changing default passwords, regularly updating device firmware, using secure Wi-Fi networks, and disabling unnecessary features to minimize vulnerabilities.

What role does firmware and software updates play in mitigating IoT security risks?

Firmware and software updates often contain security patches that address known vulnerabilities. Regularly updating IoT devices is essential for protecting against new threats and ensuring device security.

Can IoT devices be used in DDoS attacks?

Yes, IoT devices can be co-opted into botnets and used in Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks to overwhelm target networks with traffic, leading to service disruptions.

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